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Interior designer in a sentence

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Sentence count:29+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-09-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: interior designinterior decoratordesignerfashion designerinteriordesignedinterior angleinterior monologueMeaning: n. a person who specializes in designing architectural interiors and their furnishings. 
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1. They brought in an interior designer to suggest colour schemes for the house.
2. Dame Sybil Connolly, internationally renowned interior designer, entertains at her private home in Dublin.
3. He brought in a new interior designer, Ghislaine Belmont-Laon; her work on these showrooms made her name.
4. The previous owners, one an interior designer, had renovated the whole place very much to Sue and Reg's taste.
5. I recalled that a famous interior designer had been consulted on the layout.
6. He wondered if he'd have made a good interior designer.
7. I'm a freelance interior designer now.
8. Excellent Young and Middle - aged Interior Designer of China.
9. using virtual reality technology for interior designer and furniture industry.
9. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
10. However, I totally believe that interior designer should introspect for the defect earlier.
11. Reporter: Any advantages you think for a woman interior designer?
12. Lisa Marie Odegard, an interior designer in Bozeman, Montana , comments those " a habitat is a HAsn. "
13. An architect or interior designer cannot be creative without studying this relationship.
14. US architectual firm seeking interior designer for schematic and design development.
15. Tony is an off - the - wall interior designer.
16. Lisa Marie Odegard, an interior designer in Bozeman, Montana (, comments that a home is a haven.
17. And yet you need not be a professional interior designer.
18. Studio Twist has been appointed architect and interior designer forand - alteration of the Crown Spa Resort Hainan!
19. She has four years experience as interior designer behind her, you should meet her.
20. And let's set up a meeting with an interior designer for the new store layout.
21. Lisa Marie Odegard an interior designer that " a home is a haen. "
22. Studio Twist has been appointed interior designer for Library for Kunming University of Science and Technology!
23. Thus it came about that, after many years as an interior designer and antiques dealer, he combined both businesses.
24. Sometimes a project of this kind will involve working alongside an architect and interior designer.
25. Add a border or binding down the leading and bottom edges of curtains for a real interior designer touch.
26. She had never been particularly enthusiastic about her job as interior designer.
27. She accepted John Saladino as an established and known interior designer.
28. "This is my investment in the future right now," said Fabiana Lee, 26, an interior designer who lost her job in 2009.
29. After leaving the art college, she set up as an interior designer.
More similar words: interior designinterior decoratordesignerfashion designerinteriordesignedinterior angleinterior monologueanteriorengineering designresigneddesignresignedlydesignsdesign forredesignby designdesignatedesigningdesignateddesign cycledesignationhave designs onulteriorexteriorposteriora posteriorideterioratedeteriorationcountersign
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  • Marcos 2023-02-28 15:56:06
    Goodnight moon                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                              
  • chico 2023-02-24 14:29:51
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  • Maria 2023-02-24 02:15:49
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  • Fernando 2023-02-23 20:17:08
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  • Grace 2023-02-23 15:24:22
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  • Angelita 2023-02-23 15:21:15
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  • Angelita 2023-02-22 23:01:35
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  • Petra 2023-02-22 03:16:19
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  • me 2023-02-15 21:55:13
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